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Customer Services

Zero Loss Risk Management (IMF) Private Limited attaches utmost importance and committed to provide best possible services to its clients. However, if an event, you are not satisfied with its services and wish to lodge a grievance, you can contact head of business operation who is designated as ChiefOperating officer and Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) at :

Contact Details

Registered Office

MIG - I / 212, Satya Sai Enclave, Back Side of AMRI Hospital, Khandagiri,
Bhubaneswar - 751030

We are Open

After investigating the matter internally and subsequent closure, we will send our response within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the complaint by the Company. In case the resolution is likely to take a longer time, we will inform you of the same through an interim reply.


For lack of response or if the resolution still does not meet your expectations, you can write to the Principal Officer.

Mr. Bijaya Kumar Mohanty

Managing Director &Principal Officer

- bk.mohanty@zerolossrisk.com

Get in touch

About ZeroLoss

A company's commitment to quality communicates its values and its focus on customer satisfaction. We at ZEROloss start by listing and understanding the needs of our customers better.

Phone: 0674 - 12209873

Email: support@zerolossrisk.com

Overview ZeroLoss
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